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**Each month there is a new author who has their work promoted on The Cult Vault's social media, coinciding with the release of an interview on the podcast. For a chance to win:
Follow, Like and Comment on social media posts across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram - @cultvaultpod
Ends midnight BST on the last day of each month. International Giveaway. Winners contacted privately.**
"Manhattan Cult Story - My Unbelievable Story of Sex, Crimes, Chaos & Survival" - Spencer Schneider

"Tabernacle of Hate - Seduction into Right Wing |Extremism" - Kerry Noble

"A Voice From Inside - Notes on Religious Trauma Syndrome in a Captive Organisation" - Geoffrey Wallis

"The Storm is Upon Us - How Qanon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of Everything" - Mike Rothschild
"Lovingly Abused - A True Story of Overcoming Cults, Gaslighting, and Legal Educational Neglect" - Heather Grace Heath

"Dead, Insane or in Jail - A Cedu Memoir" - Zack Bonnie

"A Walk Through the Wilderness" - Dan Conger

"An Everyday Cult" - Gerette Buglion

"SEX CULT NUN - Breaking Away from the Children of God, a Wild, Radical Religious Cult" - Faith Jones

"Leaving Christian Science - 10 Stories of New Faith in Jesus Christ" - Lauren Hunter

"UNCULTURED" - Daniella Mestyanek Young

"Cultish - The Language of Fanaticism" - Amanda Montell

"A Break in the Fog" Molly Salans

Traumatic Narcissism - Relationship Systems of Subjugation" - Daniel Shaw
"Abnormal Normal - My Life in the Children of God" - Mary Mahoney

"Take Back Your Life" - Janja Lalich

"Mission of Malice - My Exodus from KwaSizabantu" - Erika Bornman

"When Family Hurts - 30 Days to Finding Healing and Clarity" - Rebekah Drumsta

"The Community" - N. Jamiyla Chisholm

"Fifty Years in Polygamy - Big Secrets & Little White Lies" - Kristyn Decker

"STOLEN" - Elizabeth Gilpin

"The Serpent Rising - A Journey of Spiritual Seduction" - Mary Garden

"Wounded Faith: Understanding and Healing from Spiritual Abuse" - Edited by Rev. Dr. Neil Damgaard

"In the House of Friends - Understanding and Healing from Spiritual Abuse in Christian Churches" - Kenneth J. Garrett
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